11 Easy steps to crack your ACCA exam

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11 Easy steps to crack your ACCA exam

11 Easy steps to crack your ACCA exam

As we all know, ACCA is considered to be the global CA qualification as it is an internationally recognized qualification. There are about 170 countries across the globe who accept ACCA as one of the highly respected professional qualifications in the financial and accounting areas.

ACCA course is considered to be flexible when compared to the CA exams organized by the ICAI. 

Here are a few steps that will help you crack the ACCA exam:

  • First things first, make sure you are very clear of the ACCA course syllabus because this is what is going to determine how you are planning your preparation to be

  • Secondly, this is an exam for which you need not have to join any institution to learn rather there are institutes that offer the ACCA course online, this makes your task very simple I guess 

  • If you have to enrol yourself in an online institution that offers the ACCA course, understand what are they up to in terms of their knowledge partner or the reliability of their learning resources

  • Whenever you are focusing on ACCA preparation, ensure you have a conducive environment where you are able to concentrate on your learning, the atmosphere has to be calm and peaceful so that you are able to learn well 

  • ACCA as a course itself demands a great understanding of the concepts of each topic and you can master the topics only when you have a deep sense of commitment towards the course

  • Rather than following rote learning techniques, try to practice a lot with the help of online assessments that are offered by your online learning partner 

  • There cannot be any shortcuts when it comes to practising because it is the only key to success and for this, you can take the help of previous year question papers, both solved and unsolved question papers

  • Every time you take an assessment, ensure you are able to keep track of your time that you take to solve each question because ACCA exams have objective type questions that need to be answered in a quick span of time

  • Your way of answering the questions should be more of a strategy based because you cannot just skip the strategic way of attempting a question 

  • Seek the help of your online tutors or guides or mentors who can drive you towards the right path 

  • Focus on a healthy and balanced lifestyle and keep a check on your mental health because any kind of negativity or stress can affect your preparation and success